Dr Who Exhibition, Manchester
4 August 2007
Members of the Blake's
7 discussion forum met to visit the Dr Who Exhibition in Manchester.
The Balcony Bar
We met at the Balcony Bar at Manchester Piccadilly station
Joshua and Richard
The toys are ready to invade
Zen, Tracey and Paul at the bar
Zen ponders on whether to drink or text
Paul and Joshua
Tracey, Roachy and Joshua
Nearly time to go
But still time for Steve to show off his new T-shirt
(it says: "The angels have the phone box")
The Exhibition
A quick train journey later and we are at the exhibition
Paul, Tracey and Richard do their Beatles impression
Harriet has the tickets
And so into the exhibition
There's even a Tardis in the cafe
Joshua contemplates time travel
Time for refreshments
Looks like we'll have to be on our guard
Tracey has trouble finding her ticket

Tracey makes a new friend

Tracey and Joshua with the Face of Bo

Steve with K9

Joshua is in danger
Paul, Zen and Steve all have problems with a dalek

Joshua and Tracey find out what it's like to be a dalek
Afterwards, time to head back to the pub
Tracey, Joshua and Richard approach a strange looking building
Harriet with a dalek print
Toys have fun, watched by Zen and Joshua in the background
Joshua hands out Ramsgate rock
Time to eat
Futsie has now joined us
And so time to go

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