Winter in the USA
In January 2007, I went on a work trip to Long
Beach in California, but also managed time to take in Disneyland
and get a day looking round Philadelphia on the way back.
13-18 January 2007
Long Beach
This is the hotel at which I was staying
The beach was indeed long
Though suffered a bit from pollution
And had a strange Prisoner-like ball guarding it

There were some seriously expensive boats in the

And the Queen Mary is now a permanent fixture
I liked the look of this building

But I also had work to do as these pictures of
my publisher Dave and I show
I arrived there the week the news was full of David
Beckham signing for an LA football team. Mickey said he'd never
heard of Beckham but always watched out for Shrewsbury's results

The above were taken on a jungle cruise ride
This, I believe, is the original Pirates of the
Caribbean ride
Grainy pic of me on a canoe roller-coaster ride,
which involved getting very wet indeed
I managed to get Mickey on his own a bit later

The It's a Small World ride was still singing Christmas
songs in mid-January!
Jedi training
C3P0 was on hand to help out
The Space Mountain ride - I went on that three
I had a 14 hour stopover at Philadelphia on the
way back, but they let me out of the airport so I went exploring

These three pictures were taken in Washington Square
and show the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

This is the Old City Hall in Independence Square

Sadly, they wouldn't let me ring Liberty Bell
I don't know what this building is

This, if I remember correctly, is the fountain
in Logan Square
Looking up the Benjamin Franklin Parkway from Logan
The Rodin Museum

The Philadelphia Museum of Art; the steps at the
front are the ones made famous in the Rocky movie

But for some reason the statue of Rocky is at the
bottom of the steps rather than the top
Half way up the steps are these fish fountains,
which look like the bad guy ships from Stingray
And to prove I got to the top, here is the view
looking down - there are not that many steps actually

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