
Steve Rogerson's web pages

Bratislava 2006

© 2006 Steve Rogerson
Send your comments here.


Spring in Bratislava

page three of three

Glenys, Lawrence and myself spent a long spring weekend in Bratislava. These three pages show the photos we took, some of the bars we visited, the sites we admired and the floods we negotiated.

30 March 2006 - 3 April 2006


The Bars

The three of us visited far more bars than are pictured here:

Steve meets Lenin in a bar

Lawrence after a few drinks.

Steve plays table football against nobody

Lawrence finds another bar

Lawrence and Glenys stock up on beer at the supermarket

General shots of the city

You can see my house from here, Lawrence tells Steve

Lawrence tries his camouflage skills

Glenys and Lawrence climbing the hill towards the castle

Lawrence from above

Hotel, bridge, river and floods

Castle, statues and transport museum



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