The last league match at the Gay Meadow
On Saturday 5 May, Shrewsbury Town played their last ever league match at the Gay Meadow, their home since 1910.
5 May 2007
Before the game
A pint or two at the Nag's Head on Wyle Cop got me in the mood for the game
One last chance to view the ground from the English Bridge
A familiar sight at the entrance to the Narrows

The approach to the ground
The club offices
And the efficient Graham
The fans are gathering
The executive suite; I never went in there, and I guess I never will now
Inside the ground
I don't think any of us will miss the Riverside toilets

The banners were put up
The fans readied themselves
Some became more excited than others
But the stewards didn't seem to mind
Next season, we won't be able to stand at all
There was a band
And balloons
March of legends
Former players walked around the ground

The match

The ground fills up
The players take the field
The silly hats are out

Lenny greets the fans and the players
The match gets going
The fans are cheering, the game is a draw, we're in the playoffs

The players do a practice penalty shoot-out
Gary Peters thanks the fans
And I head up the Narrows for the last time
The evening do
After the match, fans and former players head for the Lord Hill Hotel

I did get one last chance to visit the old ground when they auctioned off some of the fixtures and fittings. To see pictures of that and my first visit to the new ground, click here.

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